'This intriguing and action-filled book is a must read'
This fantastic story starts in Granny Keane's spare room which contains all sorts of items including towers and towers of books (Ahhhhhhhhh… that sounds very warm and comfy. In fact, it is!). Granny Keane has one very extraordinary book and it seems to have found itself a Keeper, Oisin (pronounced as 'Usheen' ). But he isn't sure if he wants to be the Book of Magic's keeper.
After his younger sister, Sorcha gets pecked by a green-eyed raven, Granny Keane tells an amazing yet dangerous story about Morrigan, The Queen of Shadows.
"No matter what she changes to, you can always recognise her by three things: the ravens that follow her, a terrible chill in the air around her and those green eyes of hers that will drown you in sadness."
When Sorcha then gets kidnapped by Morrigan, Oisin and his elder brother Stephen have to rescue her. Oisin also has to learn how to use the Book of Magic for good and defeat Morrigan. Will he make it?
This intriguing and action-filled book is a must read. I completely agree with what Eoin Colfer's quote about this book, "A new star of the fantasy genre. I couldn't sleep until I finished it."
I particularly liked the way the author has explored brotherhood between Oisin and Stephen. I think readers between the ages of 12 and 14 will enjoy this book very much. I would give this book five stars!
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