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New Books Party: books received this week | @GrrlScientist

Written By Unknown on Friday, August 23, 2013 | 11:47 AM

This week, three books arrived, all of which explore interesting topics and likely to trigger a lot of debate and discussion.

Below the jump, I mention the books that I received recently in the mail as gifts or as review copies, or that I purchased
somewhere. These are the books that I may review in more depth later, either here or in print somewhere in the world.

When I get new books, I like to share them with people. Unfortunately, you are all so far away, so I cannot host a book party in my crib where you can look then over, so I'll do the next best thing. I'll host a book party on my blog each Friday of the week when I either purchase books or when they arrive in the mail. In this New Book Party, I will try to be your eyes by presenting my quick "first impression" -- almost as if we are browsing the stacks in a bookstore -- and I'll also provide relevant videos about the book and links so you can get a copy of your own.

Books that arrived this week:

The Joy of Pain: Schadenfreude and the Dark Side of Human Nature by Richard H. Smith [Oxford University Press, 2013; Amazon UK; Amazon US/kindle US]

Publisher's synopsis Few people confess easily to taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others. Maybe this is why there is no word for the feeling in English. And so schadenfreude, that beguiling German word, is borrowed to label the experience. But most of us can secretly think of many times when a misfortune suffered by someone gave us pleasure. What sports fan can suppress delight when a hated rival loses? Political junkies know the thrill of a scandal befalling an opposing candidate. How about when an envied friend suffers a little setback? Who fails to laugh when an arrogant but untalented contestant is humiliated on American Idol, or when the embarrassing vice of an ideological politician is exposed?

This book, written by one of the world's foremost scholars of envy and shame, explores the emotion we dare not admit to: schadenfreude. From garden-variety envy and competition to malignant intent and concepts of deservingness and comeuppance, psychologist Richard Smith explains why we feel schadenfreude with examples ranging from literary works and reality television to neuroscience. Although schadenfreude is hardly a feeling to nourish in oneself or to encourage as a cultural habit, Smith argues that there is no getting rid of it, when the misfortunes of others can lead to our benefit. Indeed, schadenfreude can be sweet revenge when it is personal, but as Smith argues in a fascinating exploration of anti-semitism in the 20th century that concludes the book, this passive thrill can lead to devastating consequences.

My first impression: Even though most people won't admit that they have felt pleasure at someone else's pain or failure, this doesn't mean that they are strangers to such emotions. Indeed, schadenfreude is a universal human emotion, so why should we learn more about it? In this eye-opening and readable book, the author describes his experiments for identifying and investigating schadenfreude and argues that by examining this emotion, we will better understand human nature and ourselves. He then argues that our understanding will allow us to redirect our energies towards more useful and altruistic emotions and behaviours.

The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality by Angus Deaton [Princeton University Press, 2013; Guardian Bookshop; Amazon UK; Amazon US/kindle US]

Publisher's synopsis The world is a better place than it used to be. People are wealthier and healthier, and live longer lives. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many have left gaping inequalities between people and between nations. In The Great Escape, Angus Deaton -- one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty -- tells the remarkable story of how, starting 250 years ago, some parts of the world began to experience sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's hugely unequal world. Deaton takes an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and he addresses what needs to be done to help those left behind.

Deaton describes vast innovations and wrenching setbacks: the successes of antibiotics, pest control, vaccinations, and clean water on the one hand, and disastrous famines and the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the other. He examines the United States, a nation that has prospered but is today experiencing slower growth and increasing inequality. He also considers how economic growth in India and China has improved the lives of more than a billion people. Deaton argues that international aid has been ineffective and even harmful. He suggests alternative efforts -- including reforming incentives to drug companies and lifting trade restrictions -- that will allow the developing world to bring about its own Great Escape.

Demonstrating how changes in health and living standards have transformed our lives, The Great Escape is a powerful guide to addressing the well-being of all nations.

My first impression: Inequality is a real hot-button issue for me, so I had to read this book. Written by an economist, this book does something unusual; it examines how physical and financial well-being go hand-in-hand and, along with education and plain old-fashioned luck, play a pivotal role in people's "great escape" from the poverty trap. In this book, the author investigates the different sorts of inequality, whether it helps or hurts and what it does to individuals and to society. The book ends by reminding us of our moral duties, arguing what can and ought (and ought not) to be done to rectify inequality and discusses whether there can be a happy ending, unlike in the movie, The Great Escape.

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction by Martin Bunton [Oxford University Press, 2013; Guardian Bookshop; Amazon UK; Amazon US/kindle US]

Publisher's synopsis The conflict between Palestine and Israel is one of the most highly publicized and bitter struggles in history. In this accessible and stimulating Very Short Introduction, Martin Bunton clearly explains the history of the problem, reducing it to its very essence - a modern territorial contest between two nations and one geographical territory.

Adopting a fresh and original approach, each section covers a twenty-year span, to highlight the historical complexity of the conflict throughout successive decades. Each chapter starts with an examination of the relationships among people and events that marked particular years as historical moments in the evolution of the conflict, including the 1897 Basle Congress; the 1917 Balfour Declaration and British occupation of Palestine; and the 1947 UN Partition Plan and the war for Palestine.

Providing a clear and fair exploration of the main issues, Bunton explores not only the historical basis of the conflict, but also looks at how and why partition has been so difficult and how efforts to restore peace continue today.

My first impression: Like most people, I have spent a significant portion of my life being utterly confused about the source of the enduring conflict between Israel and Palestine. This pocket-sized book argues that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not an ancient religious battle (as I had always been told), but instead, it is a more recent territorial contest. This readable book presents a chronological historical overview of how this multi-layered conflict unfolded over the past 120 years and the challenges involved with two nations sharing one small piece of land. It'll be interesting to learn what others think of this particular argument.

What book(s) are you reading? How far are you along in the book? What do you think of it so far? Do you think your book is worth recommending to others?

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GrrlScientist can also be found here: Maniraptora, she also lurks on social media: facebook, G+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and of course, she's quite active on twitter: @GrrlScientist


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