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Live webchat with SF writer and Philip K Dick fan Jeff VanderMeer

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 30, 2014 | 6:20 AM

Is there more to the bewildering Ubik than even Dick himself would admit? Award-winning writer Jeff VanderMeer joined us to discuss this topic and more

Philip K Dick's Ubik has definitely given us plenty to talk about on this month's reading group. Teasing out this book's many strands, influences and implications has been fascinating and bewildering. What does it all mean? I'm still not sure. Maybe nothing, if you believe what the author said in 1976:

"You don't just write whatever comes into your head while you're sitting there in front of the typewriter. When I wrote UBIK, I got about 12 pages done and couldn't think of anything else, so l just wrote whatever came into my mind. I wrote it from my unconscious: I let the right hemisphere of my brain do all the thinking, and I was as surprised as anybody as to what came out. In France, of course, it's considered a great novel because it doesn't make any sense; in France, it's a roman de pataphysique."


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